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1. Santa Clara High School ・ About Wilcox High School 2k view 2 res Problem / Need advice 2024/11/23 03:30
Nice to meet you. I will be relocating to Silicon Valley this year.
I will be bringing my high school child with me and would like to find a home in Santa Clara.
I have seen the levels and r...
2. traffic accident 3k view 4 res Problem / Need advice 2024/04/26 01:29
I am having trouble with a $35,000 claim for a car accident I caused a year ago. It was a rental car and I had property damage insurance on the main unit, but I caused the accident when I removed the ...
3. searching an entire house 2k view 3 res Problem / Need advice 2024/02/02 02:27
I'm moving to the Bay Area and was wondering if there are any other sites besides Zillow and Craigslist that you would recommend for apartment hunting ?

I'd also like to see some rev...
4. Worst Japanese-American Beauty Salon Experience of... 4k view 7 res Problem / Need advice 2023/11/17 11:12
This is a Japanese hair salon introduced on Vivinavi. I asked them to do my hair for my friend's wedding, but I had to wait for hours for the hair to be done, and they were typing emails while they we...
5. tax return 4k view 1 res Problem / Need advice 2022/06/20 01:04
I requested a tax return from a company called Mayumi Ozaki Accounting Office.

However, I paid the money but still have not received it back.
I have been able to contact them by email f...
6. Procedures required by DMV when returning to Japan 2k view 0 res Problem / Need advice 2022/05/12 20:23
May I ask a question about the procedures required by the DMV when I return to Japan?
I will be returning to Japan this month. I have already been issued an international driver's license, but I ...
7. Souvenirs for accompanying students 3k view 4 res Problem / Need advice 2022/04/02 00:51
Thanks for taking a look.
I am relocating to Silicon Valley next year with my husband.
My husband has been there before me and has received a lot of support from local colleagues and neighbo...
8. Improvement of English language skills of elementa... 3k view 4 res Problem / Need advice 2021/09/03 21:01
Please let me know if you are seniors or have the same problem !
How are you all improving your children's English at Corona Disaster ?

Our family moved here in April 2021 for a new job...
9. What do you think about CBD products ?? 885 view 0 res Problem / Need advice 2021/06/07 09:59
I was listening to the radio the other day and heard that people with ADHD have been able to control their impulses since they started using CBD products. I know it depends on the individual, but what...
10. お悩みの独り言の板 5k view 13 res Problem / Need advice 2020/10/31 10:31
11. 家族の帯同ビザについて(L2ビザ) 1k view 0 res Problem / Need advice 2020/09/18 09:43

12. DMV実技試験に関して 3k view 2 res Problem / Need advice 2020/08/04 11:48
DMVにて筆記試験を終え、Learning Permitは得ましたが、コロナによりDrive Testが再開されず、本免許取得の目途が立ちません。
13. グリーンカード 海外に一年以内なら離れられますか? 3k view 2 res Problem / Need advice 2020/02/24 18:36


14. タックスリターンについて 6k view 2 res Problem / Need advice 2017/02/22 21:47
15. 単刀直入に言います。物ください。 6k view 2 res Problem / Need advice 2016/12/20 22:14
16. SSN来ない 5k view 6 res Problem / Need advice 2016/12/02 11:42
10月からSan Joseに来て早くも3週間経ちますが未だにSSNがきません・・・


17. さいきん、、、 1k view 0 res Problem / Need advice 2016/02/02 16:59


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