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1. | Santa Clara High School ・ About Wilcox High School | 2k view | 2 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/11/23 03:30 |
2. | traffic accident | 3k view | 4 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/04/26 01:29 |
I am having trouble with a $35,000 claim for a car accident I caused a year ago. It was a rental car and I had property damage insurance on the main unit, but I caused the accident when I removed the ... |
3. | searching an entire house | 2k view | 3 res | Problem / Need advice | 2024/02/02 02:27 |
Hi I'm moving to the Bay Area and was wondering if there are any other sites besides Zillow and Craigslist that you would recommend for apartment hunting ? I'd also like to see some rev... |
4. | Worst Japanese-American Beauty Salon Experience of... | 4k view | 7 res | Problem / Need advice | 2023/11/17 11:12 |
This is a Japanese hair salon introduced on Vivinavi. I asked them to do my hair for my friend's wedding, but I had to wait for hours for the hair to be done, and they were typing emails while they we... |
5. | tax return | 4k view | 1 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/06/20 01:04 |
I requested a tax return from a company called Mayumi Ozaki Accounting Office. However, I paid the money but still have not received it back. I have been able to contact them by email f... |
6. | Procedures required by DMV when returning to Japan | 2k view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/05/12 20:23 |
May I ask a question about the procedures required by the DMV when I return to Japan? I will be returning to Japan this month. I have already been issued an international driver's license, but I ... |
7. | Souvenirs for accompanying students | 3k view | 4 res | Problem / Need advice | 2022/04/02 00:51 |
Thanks for taking a look. I am relocating to Silicon Valley next year with my husband. My husband has been there before me and has received a lot of support from local colleagues and neighbo... |
8. | Improvement of English language skills of elementa... | 3k view | 4 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/09/03 21:01 |
Please let me know if you are seniors or have the same problem ! How are you all improving your children's English at Corona Disaster ? Our family moved here in April 2021 for a new job... |
9. | What do you think about CBD products ?? | 885 view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2021/06/07 09:59 |
I was listening to the radio the other day and heard that people with ADHD have been able to control their impulses since they started using CBD products. I know it depends on the individual, but what... |
10. | お悩みの独り言の板 | 5k view | 13 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/10/31 10:31 |
\シリコンバレーの方になかったので作ってみました/ |
11. | 家族の帯同ビザについて(L2ビザ) | 1k view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/09/18 09:43 |
3月よりL1ビザで米国に滞在していますが、家族はまだ日本におり、帯同ビザが未発給の状態です。 何とか家族を呼び寄せようと、10月末に一般枠で面接の予約が取れましたが、Lビザは一般枠での受付は2020/12/31まで停止、 現在は緊急申請のみ受付しているとの事で、このままの状態(緊急申請しない)だと、一般枠の面接の予約はキャンセルされるようです。 会社に緊急面接を申請する為... |
12. | DMV実技試験に関して | 3k view | 2 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/08/04 11:48 |
3月にこちらに赴任した者です。 DMVにて筆記試験を終え、Learning Permitは得ましたが、コロナによりDrive Testが再開されず、本免許取得の目途が立ちません。 このまま国際免許が切れる10月末を迎えてしまうと、運転ができなくなってしまいますが、同じような境遇の方、いらっしゃいませんか? 一度日本に帰国し、国際免許を再発行し、しのぐしかないでしょうか? も... |
13. | グリーンカード 海外に一年以内なら離れられますか? | 3k view | 2 res | Problem / Need advice | 2020/02/24 18:36 |
色々と法律が変わってますが、私がグリーンカードを取った約6年前は 1年の間180日以上アメリカを離れたら空港で永住権は没収という法律がありました。 最近一年以内ならアメリカを離れても良いと法律は変わった。と知りましたが いつからこの法律が変わったかご存知の方いらっしゃいますか? 確か5年前は私が数ヶ月アメリカを離れた時1年の間で180日はアメリカを離れるとグ... |
14. | タックスリターンについて | 6k view | 2 res | Problem / Need advice | 2017/02/22 21:47 |
タックスリターンの紙を渡され自分でやる事になったのですが、どなたか日本語でサポートして代行してくれる方や会社など知りませんか? |
15. | 単刀直入に言います。物ください。 | 6k view | 2 res | Problem / Need advice | 2016/12/20 22:14 |
引っ越してきたばかりでものがなく、今集めているところなのですが、予想以上にお金がかかってしまっていて困っています。移動手段も持っていないので免許の勉強をしているのですが、まだ時間が掛かりそうなので、もしよければ自転車などの交通手段ができるものをいただけたら幸いです。それ以外にも一人暮らしで必要だなと思うものなのどありましたらいただけるとありがたいです。 |
16. | SSN来ない | 5k view | 6 res | Problem / Need advice | 2016/12/02 11:42 |
10月からSan Joseに来て早くも3週間経ちますが未だにSSNがきません・・・ オフィスに電話しても、ただ待てと言われるだけで移民局で止まっているようです。 同じ時期にこちらに来られた方ですでに届いている方とかいますか? 来週で4週間にもなるので、電話ではらちがあかないので再度、Officeに行こうか 迷っているところです。 みなさんの状況教えてく... |
17. | さいきん、、、 | 1k view | 0 res | Problem / Need advice | 2016/02/02 16:59 |
夜にフライドポテト 昼にチョコレートがむしょうに食べたくなります。 どうしたらいいですか |
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- A 2-year college ・ in Santa Clara where ...
Mission College is a public two-year college founded in 1977 in the heart of Silicon Valley. The College's own property is home to Yahoo's headquarters and next door to Intel Corporation, giving it a...
+1 (408) 855-5025Mission College
- Certified Specialist in Estate Planning,...
The Merritt Law Firm specializes in the areas of Wills, Trusts ( Trusts ), Powers of Attorney, Medical Care Directives, Probate, Estate Planning and Tax Law. Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, ...
+1 (650) 867-7017Merritt Law
- We can help you choose an "American insu...
・ Want to save some money on insurance ・ Want to start saving for the future ・ Want to increase your existing savings If this is the case, you may benefit from using American insurance products ! ...
+1 (408) 318-9035insurance 110
- International Marriage in the U.S. ・ Sup...
We want as many couples as possible to have a happy marriage. We will do our best to help you achieve this. International Marriage in the U.S. ・ We support your marriage activity. You are looking for ...
+1 (510) 316-7918glow MATCH MAKERS
- < Tax Returns Accepted ! > Investments ・...
Yoshihara ・ Financial & Insurance Services, located in San Jose, Calif. Since 1993, we have been providing investment and business services to individuals and businesses. Mutual ・ Funds ( Mutual Fu...
+1 (408) 712-9259Yoshihara Financial & Insurance Services
- This is an authentic, old-fashioned izak...
This izakaya named 《IZAKA-YA》 offers a wide variety of menu items and delicious sushi. We are open until 11:00 p.m., which is rare in the Bay Area. If you have a craving for delicious Japanese food o...
+1 (408) 452-8751Izaka-ya
- 11 U.S. locations + Tokyo. The largest n...
People ・ Work ・ Community
+1 (408) 973-7890iiicareer | Interesse International Inc. Silicon Valley
- Our experienced stylists will solve your...
Our experienced stylists will solve your hair problems. We can suggest hairstyles that suit you, solve your hair problems, or make you look like a K-Pop idol !.
+1 (408) 296-9027Maria Hair Studio
- Founded in 1990, Economic Silicon Valley...
For more than 25 years, Keizai Silicon Valley has been hosting networking events for business professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area, based in the mecca of innovation, "Silicon Valley. We provide...
経済シリコンバレー(Keizai Silicon Valley)
- Japanese Izakaya ! located right next to...
You can enjoy dishes that you cannot taste anywhere else by Japanese chefs and original cocktails with Japanese taste. We look forward to serving you for a delicious time.
+1 (650) 257-7653Kemuri Japanese Baru
- ★ Now accepting new appointments for hai...
All staff are Japanese ! We help you make a great impression every day with our high quality technology and hospitality service !.
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- We specialize in functional neurology an...
Movement of the body, function of internal organs, the five senses ( sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch ) are controlled by the central nervous system ( cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem ). Poo...
+1 (408) 738-0707Hiro Sugawara, D.C.
- Full-day Japanese kindergarten, sister s...
Childcare in Japanese ・ We nurture the Japanese spirit through education. Nishiyamato Gakuen San Jose School Kindergarten is a Japanese full-day kindergarten that opened in Santa Clara in 2012. With...
+1 (408) 243-1174西大和学園サンノゼ校幼稚園
- From Tokyo, experienced Japanese staffs ...
Highly Reproducible Hair Cutting Techniques & MASATO, a hair stylist with a reputation for ease of styling, and ATSUKO, a nail artist popular not only for nail design but also for nail treatment that ...
+1 (408) 430-3004J Flow Hair and Nail
- Let us help you with your Silicon Valley...
We support our clients' "happiness" and "comfort" through their housing search. With over 20 years of real estate experience, we understand the difficulties of moving to a new place and will help as ...
+1 (408) 582-3777Takami Hamadani - Compass Hamadani Group
I will be bringing my high school child with me and would like to find a home in Santa Clara.
I have seen the levels and r...