최신내용부터 전체표시

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5. 交通事故(2kview/4res) 고민 / 상담 2024/04/26 01:29
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  • Gaku
  • 메일
  • 2022/10/29 20:40

州立大学に問い合わせところ、Golden Fourの単位が無いために、
Golden Fourをどのように取得したらよいか、ご存じの方がいましたら
(Community Collageで取得できますか?)


1. You can probably take the required courses through OPEN UNIVERSITY the semester before you hope to get it. https://www.calstate.edu/attend/professional-and-continuing-education/Pages/open-university.aspx
2. You should consult with your Japanese university academic advisor (who can contact the CSU campus you want to enter) to see if any of the courses you already took can be applied to one of the Golden Four courses.
3. You could take these courses at a community college (best way IMO).

Good luck!

“ 日本の大学から、CA州立大学に編入 ” 에 대해 기입한 내용의 유효기간이 끝났습니다
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