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Search Keyword: 相談 | 28 results | Search time: 0 seconds
- 2022/01/16 (Sun)
毎年 お持ちの保険の見直しはやってらっしゃいますか? / 1時間無料
保険を買ったエージェントさんと ちゃんと毎年ご自身の保険の見直しをされていますか?
受取人が変わっているのに 変更してなかったなど、
毎...- [Registrant]田中
- [Location]お住まいの地域, California
- 2022/01/14 (Fri)
☪️霊感タロット・スピリチュアルリーティング☪️ / 30分 60ドル
エネルギーには、いわゆるオーラと呼ばれるもの、高次の存在と呼ばれるもの、色々とあります。それらを感じ、見て、耳を済まして、そこから伝わるメッセー...- [Registrant]Elle
- [Location]Beverly Hills, California
- 2021/11/01 (Mon)
【無料体験】アナウンサーによる話し方診断 スピーチトレーニング / 期間限定 無料体験実施中
話し方の特徴(声のトーンやスピード、発声発音の癖、話しているときの見た目の印象)を診断し、な...- [Registrant]Lead
- [Location]California
- 2021/03/14 (Sun)
個人事業主様必見! 最大4万ドルのコロナ救済金が『もらえる』PPPプログラム申請... / 1件の申請につき一律 $250
個人事業主様に最大4万ドルのコロナ救済金が『もらえる』PPPプログラム申請サポート承ります。 ※3月末が〆切です!!
新PPP救済金プログラムの申請条件緩和により、ほぼ全ての 『Schedule C』 納税者(個人事業主様)が救済プログラムの恩恵を『簡単に』受けられるようになり...- [Registrant]LiveinUS
- [Location]ホノルル, ハワイ州
- 2020/12/04 (Fri)
Let’s speak English !! / private:$50/h, group(2人~):$30/h
2020/12/4 ~ 2021/1/4一人ひとりの目的に合わせ、最適な学習プランを作成し、丁寧に指導をしていきます。
b...- [Registrant]kaz
- [Location]San Jose, California
- 2020/11/15 (Sun)
⛷スキーtune-upお任せください。FREE pick up&delivery... / $50〜/BASE ハンドホットワックス1台
ぜひ一度スキー板のソ...- [Registrant]サンタクルズMT
- [Location]Los Gatos, CA
- 2020/11/06 (Fri)
🌺幼児小学生中学生対象 日本の教育をもっと気軽に 元小学校の先生が教える個別指導 / 個人授業10分15ドルグループ30ドル
オンライン個別指導の アイキャン
幼稚園児 小学生 中学生対象
サンフランシスコ サンノゼで塾、家庭教師をお探しの皆様へ
サンフランシスコ サンノゼで日本の公立小学校や補習校と同じ授業をもっと気軽にオンラインで
日本の公立小学校で15年教員を経験し、... -
- 2020/09/05 (Sat)
🌺幼児小学生中学生対象 元小学校の先生が教える オンライン個別指導 / グループレッスン一回30ドルより 個人レッスン10分15ドル
オンライン個別指導の アイキャン
幼稚園児 小学生 中学生対象
日本の公立小学校で15年教員を経験し、1-6年生まで全ての学級担任を経験。これまで500人以上の生徒を教えてきました。2020年1月までハワイで小学生の子育てを経験。海外在住経験豊富で海外での子育て事情がよく分かっ...- [Registrant]アイキャン
- [Location]San José (SoFA), カリフォルニア州
- Find local business with Town Guide
- If you have any concerns about physical ...
Do you have a stiff neck and shoulders from working at a desk, looking at screens too much, or using your phone or tablet too much? Do you even have a heavy head? Do you have a heavy back from working...
+1 (408) 343-3835福田カイロプラクティック
- We support Japanese children who are try...
Our experienced teachers have a wealth of teaching experience and can provide returnee students with an overwhelming amount of information to help them prepare for the entrance examinations.
+1 (408) 257-1343ena (San Jose)
- Certified Specialist in Estate Planning,...
The Merritt Law Firm specializes in the areas of Wills, Trusts ( Trusts ), Powers of Attorney, Medical Care Directives, Probate, Estate Planning and Tax Law. Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, ...
+1 (650) 867-7017Merritt Law
- Gulliver is the No.1 seller of used cars...
◆Gulliver Silicon Valley Store◆ Gulliver is the No.1 used car sales company in Japan. We provide the same reliable and convenient service in the US as Gulliver does in Japan. We also offer advice o...
+1 (888) 430-3664Gulliver USA, Inc. Silicon Valley / San Francisco
- The new term started on February 4 ! SAP...
We are a college preparatory school for overseas students with school buildings in the San Jose and New York areas. We offer classes to meet the needs of children from those who have just arrived in...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- We can help you choose an "American insu...
・ Want to save some money on insurance ・ Want to start saving for the future ・ Want to increase your existing savings If this is the case, you may benefit from using American insurance products ! ...
+1 (408) 318-9035insurance 110
- A new one-stop service for expatriates, ...
One-Stop Service for Expatriates Expatriate Support provides comprehensive and professional services for expatriates, researchers, and foreign students, from proposals, contracts, and follow-up servi...
+1 (415) 412-0998Chuzai Support, LLC.
- A 2-year college ・ in Santa Clara where ...
Mission College is a public two-year college founded in 1977 in the heart of Silicon Valley. The College's own property is home to Yahoo's headquarters and next door to Intel Corporation, giving it a...
+1 (408) 855-5025Mission College
- We specialize in functional neurology an...
Movement of the body, function of internal organs, the five senses ( sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch ) are controlled by the central nervous system ( cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem ). Poo...
+1 (408) 738-0707Hiro Sugawara, D.C.
- Advanced treatment based on biology diff...
Our CBP treatment can also cure straight neck and scoliosis. We determine the cause of pain and numbness by x-ray diagnosis, and provide fundamental treatment by improving posture and correcting the ...
+1 (408) 738-8610Sumiko Missimer, Doctor of Chiropractic
- Online Qigong Classes ! Qigong therapy a...
Do you suffer from these symptoms? ◎ Headache, back pain, sciatica, hernia pain ◎ Unable to cope with stress, tired, suffering from worries ◎ Lack of energy lately ◎ Depression, panic syndrome ◎ ...
+1 (408) 332-4608Kikoh-in
- Japanese food is a part of American cult...
~ Cultivating Japanese food that can only be found here. The challenge of creating a new food culture. ~ Today we are in a very advantageous position in the American food business industry. Nowaday...
+1 (408) 320-2291EK FOODSERVICES, INC.
- < Tax Returns Accepted ! > Investments ・...
Yoshihara ・ Financial & Insurance Services, located in San Jose, Calif. Since 1993, we have been providing investment and business services to individuals and businesses. Mutual ・ Funds ( Mutual Fu...
+1 (408) 712-9259Yoshihara Financial & Insurance Services
- We are a Japanese-American beauty salon ...
~ We provide total beauty services, utilizing the power of nature to make you beautiful and healthy ~ Chinese medicine ・ We provide total beauty services, utilizing our in-depth knowledge of oriental ...
+1 (408) 309-9557NAO'RU Beauty Salon
- For your personal style and for the heal...
For your own personal style and for the health of your scalp and hair, we are committed to providing a healing space that incorporates trends and even the color and perm products we use. Our partnersh...
+1 (408) 921-4354Pono Hair Salon