MV Biz Newsletter - June 2024
- [登録者]City of Mountain View
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Mountain View, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/06/03
- 掲載日 : 2024/06/03
- 変更日 : 2024/06/03
- 総閲覧数 : 75 人
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米国にてお客様のカーライフを支えて28年!信頼の証!をテーマに、お客様との絆を大切に!!AB オートタウンの営業ポリシーは“地域に密着したサービス”です。 経験と実績から一人一人のお客様との絆を大切にし、状況に応じたサービスを提供しております。 米系店には無い日本人スタッフの細かいサービスで、お客様をお迎えいたします。★サンフランシスコ、サンノゼ、エリアのサービスは、買取り、優良車販売、買取り保証...
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ただでさえ不安がいっぱいの不妊治療。それに加えて難しい英語や専門用語、伝えたいことがなかなか伝えたいことが伝わらないもどかしさ、CCRM San Franciscoではそんな心配はありません。【日本人女性医師】による【最先端の不妊治療】と【最強のチーム】であなたをお迎えいたします。現在は対面または遠隔オンライン診察を受け付けておりますので、まずは日本語でカウンセリングをしてみませんか。まずはご相談...
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信州和牛の美味しさを世界に広めたいという想いのもと営業している日本式の焼き肉屋です。焼き肉に留まることなく様々なお料理やお酒が楽しめるようになっているので、家族の集まり、会食、デートと色々なシーンで楽しんでいただけたらと思っています。ご来店お待ちしております。当店のこだわりは、日本の長野から直接調達した信州プレミアム和牛です。この高品質の牛肉は、風味と柔らかさで有名であり、焼肉料理に最適です。 外...
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+1 (415) 722-0428Meow Group / San Francisco Optional Tour Specialist
June 2024 (V.49)
*Welcome to the June Biz Buzz Newsletter!*
As we step into summer, we're excited to bring you the latest updates and opportunities to help your business shine. This month's edition is packed with information on valuable workshops and upcoming grant opportunities, exciting events, and essential updates on new laws.
In this edition of the Biz Buzz Newsletter you'll find:
* *Storefront Window Display Workshop: *Free webinar on June 26th
* *SB 478 Junk Fees Ban: *Starting July 1, all businesses are required to disclose surcharges or services fees.
* *Small-to-Medium Business Rebates*
* *Summer Events*
* *COMING SOON: *Facade Improvement Grant
Storefront Window Display Workshop on June 26th
Window Display
Join the City of Mountain View Economic Development Division for an exclusive Storefront Window Display Workshop, a FREE webinar on visual merchandising designed for local businesses. Learn the art of creating captivating storefront displays from VM Works [ https://www.vmworkssf.com/ ] CEO, Rose Balderian. Discover expert tips to make your windows stand out, attract customers, and boost the overall appeal of our shopping centers. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your business's visibility and charm. Register now!
* *Date*: Wednesday, June 26th
* *Time*: 10 AM to 11:15 AM
* *Location:* Zoom - Register Here [ https://mountainview.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ivz0edlbTuqiq4joTnXsMw ]
*Registration is required. *Sign up and learn practical tips and creative strategies to transform your storefront into a visual masterpiece, boosting foot traffic and sales.
Effective July 1, 2024: SB 478 "Junk Fees Ban"
Two hands exchanging money and a receipt.
Beginning July 1, 2024, SB 478 (also referred to as the "Honest Pricing Law," "Hidden Fees Statute," or the "Junk Fees Ban") will require all businesses to disclose all mandatory fees or surcharges in the price of a good or service. It will be illegal to advertise or list a price for a good or service that does not include all additional required fees or charges other than certain government taxes and shipping costs.
Starting July 1, any surcharges or service fees need to be added to the price of the menu items to clearly advertise to customers the full amount that they must pay for the good or service. Please note, the law does not prevent businesses from imposing service fees, but instead requires that those fees are either include in the prices listed for goods or are for optional services.
*How to prepare for July 1st:*
* Update your printed and online menus to include service fees or surcharges associated with each menu item.
* Update your POS systems.
* Ensure that you are charging sales tax on any Living Wage Fee you are collecting.
* SB 478 Bill (Consumers Legal Remedies Act: advertisements) Language [ https://digitaldemocracy.calmatters.org/bills/ca_202320240sb478?slug=CA_202320240SB478&_gl=1*1al4pfv*_ga*NzY0MTA5NTU3LjE3MTYzMDgzODc.*_ga_GNY4L81DZE*MTcxNjMwODM4Ny4xLjEuMTcxNjMwODYxNi4wLjAuMA..*_ga_5TKXNLE5NK*MTcxNjMwODM4Ny4xLjEuMTcxNjMwODYxNy41Ny4wLjA. ].
* SB 478 Frequently Asked Questions [ https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/attachments/press-docs/SB%20478%20FAQ%20%28B%29.pdf ].
SV Clean Energy
Small-to-Medium Business Rebate
With Silicon Valley Clean Energy's Small-to-Medium Business Rebates [ https://svcleanenergy.org/business-rebates/ ] Program, get up to $20,000 in rebates to update your old gas equipment to new electric equipment. *Plus, get up to an additional $10,000 if your business is a non-profit.*
In addition to space and water heating rebates, Silicon Valley Clean Energy is offering incentives for induction cooking. Whether it’s a small kitchen in a community center or a full-service restaurant, there is money available. Silicon Valley Clean Energy is now offering an extra $10k for non-profits and public schools (up to $30,000 per project)!
Silicon Valley Clean Energy's latest program updates can be found in their SMB 2024 digital toolkit. [ https://svcleanenergy.box.com/s/5n7zhrcs1r85g3ncabo3xmr40vs6re1r ] For the Spanish toolkit click here [ https://svcleanenergy.box.com/s/qcy1h9qmg35r25zy9ervtu8yylbaosnd ].
Learn more at SVCleanEnergy.org [ https://www.svcleanenergy.org/ ].
Summer Events
Friday Concerts on the Plaza on June 7th
Dance into the summer season with Concerts on the Plaza! Join your family, friends and neighbors and bring your blanket or lawn chair down to the Civic Center Plaza, located at 500 Castro St., for a variety of musical performances. High energy dance band, The Cheeseballs, will kick off the 2024 lineup on* Friday, June 7th, **6 - 7:30 p.m. at the **Civic Center Plaza.*
Food, beer, wine and other beverages will be available for purchase at the Bean Scene Cafe. Concerts will take place every Friday from June through September. For more event details, visit Concerts on the Plaza [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/special-events/concerts-on-the-plaza ].
Music on Castro on June 5th and June 12th
Music on Castro continues every Wednesday as singer/songwriters perform live music on the 200 block of Castro Street. Come out to enjoy the free entertainment while shopping and dining downtown. See Rick Sanders Music on June 5th and David Landon on June 12th. Music will be on from 5pm to 6:45pm. Check out the full performance schedule at the Music on Castro webpage [ https://rw2yhkq5.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fwww.mountainview.gov%2Four-city%2Fdepartments%2Fcommunity-services%2Fmusic-on-castro/1/0101018fc6bf15fb-0d5dbcd9-3433-494f-b965-aa779b181769-000000/EHV-6u5o1TY9wEfld-RP5yptbd4=377 ].
*Taste of Mountain View on June 12th*
The Chamber of Commerce's Taste of Mountain View is set for June 12. There is still a chance to buy tickets [ https://chambermv.org/tmv ] to enjoy the widely diverse - and delectable - cuisine that Castro Street is famous for, complemented by wines and beer from local wineries & breweries. Visit Taste of Mountain View [ https://chambermv.org/tmv ] for more information.
Taste of Mountain View
*Technology Showcase on **July 24-25*
Whether you are an entrepreneur, startup, or established business, the 9th Annual Technology Showcase is a unique opportunity for local Mountain View tech-oriented companies to showcase their ideas and products to a wide audience. Apply to exhibit [ https://chambermv.org/technology-showcase ] and showcase your technology. *Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until June 14, 2024*. The event, located at the Civic Center Plaza at 500 Castro Street, will include:
* Wednesday, July 24th: Opening Panel (5 - 7PM)
* Thursday, July 25th: Exhibits (11:30 AM - 3PM) + Closing Panel (4 - 6PM)
"COMING SOON": Facade Improvement Grant
The City of Mountain View is preparing a Facade Improvement Grant Program designed to stimulate investment in commercial retail buildings with first floor storefront businesses.
To encourage economic vitality and commercial viability of storefront businesses, the City will offer grants with a maximum value of $17,500, including:
* $2,500 for architectural design services
* Up to $15,000 for physical facade improvements, such as signage, awning, or window replacements, lighting, and more.
*More information to come!* The City is anticipating applications to be open summer 2024. In the meantime, learn about other financing resources and opportunities [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/business/business-resources/financing-incentives ].
Follow MV Biz on Social Media
The Economic Development team launched Facebook and Instagram accounts. Follow us for resources, events, and business promotions!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mved.biz/ [ http://www.facebook.com/mved.biz/ ]
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mved.biz/ [ http://www.instagram.com/mved.biz/ ]
Want to collaborate a storytelling post? Reach out to our team!
Contact Us
The City of Mountain View Biz Newsletter supports businesses by providing the latest information and news about business resources, tools, funding sources and tips that can help businesses access opportunities for expanding sales and building capacity.
Read our newsletter [ https://www.mountainview.gov/depts/comdev/economicdev/strategy.asp ] in Spanish or Chinese. If you have any questions please email Econ.dev@mountainview.gov <econ.dev@mountainview.gov>
Visit our website to learn more about the Mountain View Economic Development Team and discover valuable resources: econdev.mountainview.gov [ https://econdev.mountainview.gov/home-econdev ]
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