Get Amped for EVs! Save Money with Silicon Valley Power
- [登録者]Silicon Valley Power
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]San Jose, CA
- 登録日 : 2024/12/16
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/16
- 変更日 : 2024/12/16
- 総閲覧数 : 140 人
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SVP Blue
what do you do when you charge [ https://youtu.be/8DMmB3iFKvc?si=XUFUKFwHe-oobB4G ]
*Get Amped for EVs! Save Money with Silicon Valley Power!*
Whether you're a seasoned EV driver or just exploring the possibilities, we've got exclusive rebates, and helpful resources lined up for you. When you charge your vehicle in Santa Clara, you’re using affordable, sustainable energy that drives our community forward.
Save your Energy Wallet by Switching to EVs!
Where Do Your Energy Expenses Go?
Happy lady looking at bill
Making the switch to electric isn't just about saving money at the pump—it's about reinvesting in the community. When you fuel your car or power your home with electricity, you're choosing to "buy local."
*Consider this: less than 10% of what you spend at the gas pump benefits local businesses. But when you power your vehicle with electricity provided by Silicon Valley Power—a locally owned, not-for-profit utility—your energy dollars directly support our community. Unlike investor-owned utilities, Silicon Valley Power reinvests in Santa Clara, funding local programs, infrastructure, and services that directly benefits Santa Clara.*
By choosing electric over gas, you're not only supporting clean energy but also ensuring that more of your energy costs benefit local sources. As a SVP customer, your electricity dollars stay local, funding improvements and reinvestments that benefit our city. In fact, public power utilities like SVP invest 20% more in the communities they serve compared to investor-owned utilities.
SVP’s electric rates are among the lowest in California? That means you can charge your electric vehicle at a fraction of the cost it would be to fuel up with gas, all while powering up with local, clean, reliable energy.
Choose electric and power a stronger, more sustainable Santa Clara!
Calculate your savings when you switch to electric! [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/sustainability/electric-vehicles/choose-your-ev ]
Maximize Your Savings with EV Rebates!
EV and chargers
Electric Vehicle Charging Station
Install an electric vehicle charging station and receive a *rebate up to $550!*
*Find out more!* [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/rebates ]
used car lot
Income-Qualified Pre-owned Electric Vehicle
Income-qualified customers are eligible for a* rebate up to $3500* for purchasing a pre-owned electric vehicle.
*Find out more!* [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/rebates ]
Renting an Apartment or Condo? No Problem - Charging Your EV Just Got Easier!
apartment parking lot
If you’re renting an apartment or condo, now’s the time to encourage your property manager to inquire about Silicon Valley Power’s EV Charging Technical Assistance program for multifamily housing. Your apartment or condo complex could qualify for a free customized EV Charging Planning Report and receive up to $150,000 in rebates towards the EV charging installation to help bring convenient charging options to your community!
*Find out more!* [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/sustainability/electric-vehicles/ev-charging/ev-charging-technical-assistance ]
Hear from a happy apartment complex
Built in 1965, Village Green Apartments has 97 units across 2 buildings. Many residents commute, so the property manager decided to take advantage of Silicon Valley Power's rebate for multifamily housing [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/sustainability/electric-vehicles/ev-charging/ev-charging-technical-assistance ] properties and received $60,000 to install 24 convenient personal charging outlets that provide Level 1 or low-power Level 2 EV charging.
Village Green
Here’s what some of the residents have to say!
“I no longer have to plan around charging, like going to dinner at a specific restaurant to use a Level 3 charger.”
*"-Resident, EV Owner"*
“It's very easy to use. It's in the parking lot of the apartment, it's easy to take out my charger and connect.”
*"-Resident, EV Owner"*
Do you live in an apartment or condo complex? Find out how your property management can easily install EV chargers [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/sustainability/electric-vehicles/ev-charging/ev-charging-technical-assistance ].
Make the Switch to Electric: Power a Cleaner Future!
Thinking about switching to an electric vehicle? Our *Choose Your EV [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/sustainability/electric-vehicles/choose-your-ev ]* tool makes it easy! Explore available models, calculate your commute savings, and discover local and federal incentives. Take the first step toward cleaner, cost-effective driving. Visit siliconvalleypower.com/choose-your-ev [ https://www.siliconvalleypower.com/sustainability/electric-vehicles/choose-your-ev ] today!
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