Select [Education / Children]

2 days before event
June 4 ( Tue ) 10:00 a.m. Kaic...

Kaichi Gakuen, famous for Kaichi Nihonbashi, has opened a new elementary ・ secondary school in Tokor...

Address Mountain View (Whisman Station), カリフォルニア州
Date 2024/6/4
14 days before event
You can participate in the Mat...

You can participate in the Math Olympiad even if you are in the United States. You can participate i...

Venue SAPIX USA サンノゼ校 605 Ellis St. #100 Mountain View, CA 94043(オンライン参加はできません)
Address Mountain View (Whisman Station), カリフォルニア州
Date 2024/6/16
29 days before event
Video audition for concert per...

The Speciale Venu International Music Competition is a US-based international classical music compet...

Venue オンライン審査→ハーバード大学で演奏会
Address Stanford
Date 2024/7/1 - 2024/7/31
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